It’s a great thing when you get to work at a job that you were made for, when you get to use your gifts and abilities to bless others. And that’s what Rhonda Eubanks and Amy Harrison have done for a combined 14 years here at Fellowship North.
Amy has worked in our communications office, helping share information with the the congregation, both efficiently and with beauty. She has the ability to design incredible graphics AND stay organized at the same time! She has a love for God and for the church that has helped her communicate in the “voice” of Fellowship North. She and Bobby recently expanded their family by two, twins Samuel and Simone born in August. And she will be caring for them, and Abe, full-time in this next season. Thank you, Amy, for your positive, bright spirit and for sharing that as part of our staff these past 4 1/2 years.
Rhonda Eubanks has served as our hospitality/special events coordinator for almost 10 years. She has handled everything from a complete kitchen redesign to the implementation of our Summer Feeding Program, Good Eats. She has fed us, along with many in our community, very well! She has a love for God and a love for people that shines through in whatever she’s involved in. She is sensing God calling her to some new things for the next season and we look forward to seeing His continued work in her life. Thank you, Rhonda, for your care in multiple ways these past 10 years.
We are excited that both Rhonda and Amy will continue to be engaged in the life of Fellowship North and want to encourage you to express your thanks to both of them.
Well done, good and faithful servants!
I don’t know Amy as well as I know Rhonda, but I know she has been a huge asset to FN. I don’t know what you guys are going to do without her and Rhonda.
Rhonda, anyone who looks at you sees the radiance of the Lord. Thank you for your service to Him and to us over the years. I look forward to seeing what He has in store for you next!
Amy, congrats on the decision to be full-time mommy. Bobby and your kiddos are blessed to have you in their lives.
Thank you both for jobs well done! So happy that you will still be a part of Fellowship North!
SWEEET HEARTS! Gotta love new seasons 😛
Too amazing and Godly women who I know God will continue to use for his GLORY!! Thank you for your service at FN.