This post was written by Barbara Scorza, who is part of our staff here at FN, and is also the PTA president at Pike View Elementary. Rod Loy is the senior pastor of First Assembly of God in North Little Rock. Both of them had a lot to do with an incredible event that took place recently in our very own Lookout – and we thought you’d like to hear about it!
On Thursday, February 4, the students at Pike View Elementary stepped outside of themselves and looked to the needs of others. When we play our part, it is like a domino effect. Have you ever seen the elaborate domino setup? You know where bells ring and balls roll and in the end there is a fantastic picture of something? At first glance it may seem like just a way to waste some time, but when the first domino is touched and it gently, but rather quickly, falls and touches the next and this goes on and in the end, some real amazing things have happened and in some cases, there is a beautiful picture to be seen. This is amazing that to get to the beautiful end, each domino only had to be put in place and then fall when touched by the domino next to it. Amazed that it started with one gentle touch and ended with a magnificent piece of beauty.
That is what I experienced at the Pike View Talent event. Pastor Rod Loy (P Rod is what the kids call him) visits Ms. Skiba’s (first grader teacher) class weekly. He grades papers, plays with the kids and tells them about his adventures. He visits Africa with some regularity and the kids love to hear about it. He told them about his missionary friends who are there working to build a school for the deaf. So kids their age, would have a school to attend.
This conversation was a spark to, not just help the missionaries, but to help build a school so those students would have a place to go and learn, just as Pike View students. Then from there each person began to see their spot to stand – their role to play. The students were excited they were helping and using just what they had, their talents.
Parents were on board to see their kids working towards something positive and shining in the process.
I was more than pleased with the outcome. Every student was magnificent. They drew paintings that were a part of a silent auction. Food was donated and sold to raise additional money. The high school came over and taped the event for us so we could sell the DVDs. All the money raised would also go to Africa, but students would be able to always see how they made a difference.
We had well over 300 people in attendance, more that I ever thought would come. We raised over $1,600.00 to send to Africa and the students learned that they are talented and they can use what they have to make a difference in the lives of others.. .