The first time I heard about Dave Ramsey, my husband was trying to drag me to one of his 13-week finance classes. I basically said “no way José”. I thought… Continue reading advent conspiracy [spend less]: Inés McBryde
Tag: money
advent conspiracy [spend less]: Jen Holsted
Spending less is a relatively easy notion for me. I come from a long line of penny pinchers. David and I have actually done pretty well over the years of… Continue reading advent conspiracy [spend less]: Jen Holsted
Financial Peace University at Fellowship North
Written by Rob McBryde, who will be leading a 13-week session of FPU this fall at FN. You can sign up with a small group card on Sunday morning or… Continue reading Financial Peace University at Fellowship North
money, sex, and power: challenge #2
posted by Sarabeth Jones If you were in church yesterday you heard a great message about money. At the end, Craig directed us to find a little green card and… Continue reading money, sex, and power: challenge #2