In December, as part of the Advent Conspiracy, we decided to give the entire offering from one Sunday (December 18) to 3 mission opportunities. The offering that Sunday was $54,944.99!… Continue reading remember [give more]?
Tag: Castle Bluff
advent conspiracy [spend less]: more of the story
This morning Craig talked about spending less – so that you can give more. He mentioned a few ways that FN is doing that as a church, particularly the KIC… Continue reading advent conspiracy [spend less]: more of the story
KAA: you know!
A group of students from Fellowship North joined with students from STEP Ministries and went to Kids Across America for an entirely new adventure. Bobby Harrison went along and had… Continue reading KAA: you know!
originally published by Taido Chino on his personal blog… Each summer, we take our middle school students for several days away from the comforts of home and civilization to something… Continue reading d-camp
d-camp slideshow
Sarabeth Jones Did you get to see the pics yet? Our middle school students spent last week at Castle Bluff – camping, caving, swimming, rappelling, and zip lining. Looks like… Continue reading d-camp slideshow