We knew for several years that we were called to become foster parents. Life had gotten in the way. We had every excuse of why it wasn’t the time. First, we wanted to have biological children, finish school, do all the remodeling to our house, travel, and the list goes on. We were just too busy with school, work, family, fun, vacations…well, simply put; ourselves.
Every time I heard about the incredible need for foster parents in our state, I would pour my heart out to Eric. We both knew it would happen eventually, but always came to the same conclusion, we had too much going on. On orphan Sunday in November 2010, we heard the story (again) of a sweet family in our church who had answered the call. At this very moment God began changing our hearts. In April 2011, we received our first call. Instantaneously, we were parents and wow did God have to equip us. We will never forget the day we walked in that hospital to see a tiny 9 lb. eight month old looking up at us. It was love at first sight.
We have been fostering babies with special needs since we started two years ago. Currently, we have D (who was our first placement in April 2011), Mak, and Kalen, who are 16 month old twins, along with our biological son, Grayson, who is one. Foster care has changed us. We have learned to lean on God, trust His plan, and relinquish control of what we thought our lives were supposed to look like. If you want to read more about our journey, check out our blog: http://itisourtime.wordpress.com
On May 18 from 9-11 am, we will be participating in the first annual Walk for the Waiting. This walk will benefit three local orphan care ministries: Immerse Arkansas, the CALL, and Project Zero. We’d love for you to walk with us that morning, sponsor a Fellowship North walker, or both. Visit the Walk for the Waiting website for more information: www.walkforthewaiting.org. Or, come by our lobby table this Sunday morning.
This Saturday there are two events that will benefit Walk for the Waiting: the Gammills are having a car wash at Advanced Auto in Sherwood from 10 am- 2pm, and all proceeds will go to Walk for the Waiting. Also, Sarabeth Jones and some of her #7FN cohorts are having a Giveaway Garage Sale at 20 Dovecote Ct. in Sherwood; all the items are free but they will be taking donations for Walk for the Waiting.