[posted by Sarabeth Jones] Last Saturday, in conjunction with Cityfest, there was a Homeless Outreach Event. Several people from FN went to serve, including Teresa Eccles and her children. She posted this note on facebook, and with her permission, I’m reposting it here:
This morning Abbie, Tad, and I got up early so we could go help serve breakfast to people who have no home of their own. It was an incredible morning! As a mother, I cannot describe the joy I felt watching my two young children serving others with such willing and happy hearts. Tad, though, was an inspiration in and of himself. At first, he kind of hung close to me, but once he found his comfort level – he was off and running! He introduced himself to people, offered them fresh oranges and bananas, brought them more pancakes and sausage. In watching him, I could clearly see his gifts shining through him! He was completely in his area of comfort by serving others.
Tonight, when Richard was asking the kids about their morning they told him about Mr. Mike and Mr. Carl and Daniel. Mr. Mike is a wonderful character who charmed both myself and the kids. He joked around with us and we enjoyed getting to know him. Mr. Carl just kind of hung around all morning – even after he ate. At times it seemed almost as if he were standing guard over everyone. Then there was Daniel – a little boy who will be 8 years old the day before Tad turns 7. Daniel was there with his mom – yes, they were homeless. But Daniel is a sweetheart with the most beautiful smile . . . As we were about to leave Tad gave Daniel a hug. What an amazing thing – to see my child be Jesus to someone else! Anyway – tonight Richard asked the kids about their morning and Tad said, “I saw Cody giving out bananas so I thought I would help, too. It was addicting, Dad, and I just couldn’t stop!” Wow. God uses even the 6-year-olds to serve those in need.