It’s February 1st, which means Black History Month has arrived. I know that February is Black History Month, and I also grew up going to church. However, since I’m white,… Continue reading Black History Month…and church?
Category: unity
Talk It Out
Last Sunday, Craig spoke about ‘a new race.’ If you haven’t heard the message, you can listen to it here. You can also watch a great video with Gretchen Jackson… Continue reading Talk It Out
Camps, camps, and more camps!
If you’ve been hanging around Fellowship North lately, you know that there is a LOT going on with our middle and high school students. Camps are quickly approaching and we… Continue reading Camps, camps, and more camps!
Are you a compass?
The following was written by Barbara Scorza, our Director of Operations here at Fellowship North. She shares about the impact a mentor can have on a student. Do You Have… Continue reading Are you a compass?
back to school bash
Just in case you haven’t seen the pictures yet, here’s a link. They are also up on our facebook page. We had a great time at the bash: there were… Continue reading back to school bash
posted by Sarabeth Jones Every Wednesday, our staff gets together for a few minutes to connect with each other and pray. It’s a funny, often awkward, occasionally beautiful thing; sometimes… Continue reading central