If you’ve been in the lobby at Fellowship North, you’ve probably seen it: a large tub under a sign that says “Food Pantry.” Over the course of each month, it fills up with jars of peanut butter, or boxes of saltine crackers, or (this month!) instant potatoes. Where does that food go?
To the Amboy Food Pantry, which is a collective effort between the Arkansas Food Bank and several churches: Amboy Baptist, Amboy United Methodist, First General Baptist, 47th Street Baptist, Liberty Fellowship, Levy United Methodist, Lighthouse Christian, Levy Baptist, and Fellowship North. The pantry helps provide food for over 1000 people each month, and we help keep the shelves stocked by collecting food items each month.
In the economy we live in today, sometimes there is very little keeping an individual or a family from going hungry. We feel that supporting the pantry is a tangible expression of God’s love and provision to our community. In addition to the food items, the pantry is also one of the mission organizations that FN donates money to on a regular basis.
If you’d like to know more about the pantry, how it works, or how to help, contact Tonia Heckman at 771.1117.