To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we’re telling 30 stories of God’s faithfulness in and through Fellowship North. You can read all the stories here.
Today’s story is more pictures than words…
Back in 2005, Craig had an idea. He thought it would be fun to invite the staff and elders and their families on a camping trip. In Colorado.
And so, about 70 of us took over a campground for a week.
And we did what we do on all our trips at FN – we looked for adventure…
…put on wigs and crowns for daily storytime…(okay, maybe we don’t do this one on every trip)
…and generally considered our team to be the best in EVERY competition.
We came home a little worse for the wear 🙂 but with memories and relationships that have lasted for years. I’m so glad that trips and adventures are part of Fellowship North’s DNA!
Today’s pictures are from Sarabeth Jones, on behalf of everyone who has camped or road tripped with Fellowship North.
Instead of a bio here, Sarabeth would like you to know that she is much more able to appreciate this trip from a distance of almost 10 years, since her entire family caught a stomach bug. While camping. She’d also like to know: what’s your favorite trip or camp memory from FN?